Digital Fluency Intensive Day 2

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

- Effective teaching and learning + digital needs to be parallel
- Effective teachers who understand the craft of teaching; keeping children engaged; an effective teacher is needed!
- Recognise: what do effective teaching actually look like?
- 'Learn' acknowledges the New Zealand Curriculum: learning to learn, key competencies, life-wide and lifelong learning, learning progressions, Ka Hikitia, Te Tiriti O Waitangi, PCK. (New Zealand Curriculum documents)
- What does learn look like in our school? Values, vision statement
- SAMR: taking teaching into the new age, substituting pencil and paper for ChromeBook
- Rewindable learning: making presentations and having work available so that it can be accessed when it needs to be

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I get 1:1 support in class for Cyber Safety. I have had support from Lenva, Fiona and Heather, and they have all taught me different ways to be safe and efficient online. Heather taught me how to clean my Gmail up so it was useful to get a refresher.

I have learnt how to use Calendar and how to be a professional when using it. It is helpful when inviting people to an event, and letting people know what is going to be happening. I have also learnt how to use Google Hangouts, which was quite exciting.

I also had the opportunity to have a 3-way Hangout call with Angela and Robyn, and it gave us time to see how a video call could work. It was tough, but we did learn different things about sound, position and how to record it.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Google Hangouts -
I can teach my learners Hangouts etiquette when introducing how to use it fluently. When showing my learners, they would definitely have to make sure they use it in the right way and follow instructions so they get the best experience using it. My class is in Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu, so I think this could be a helpful and fun connection that we can make with our buddy class. It could be a great way to share work, do a joint lesson, or even make new friends.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

If I organise my Google Accounts properly, it will be easier to access them. My personal email account isn't organised like my work one, and I think it could be a bit more helpful if I set myself up like I have for my professional account. I would also like to start using Toby Mini, an extension that helps control tabs. Sometimes my tabs can get out of hand,


  1. I had a great time exploring hangouts with you and Angela today, thank you for all your help :) I absolutely agree with you that if we organise our Google Accounts properly, it will be easier to access them. I am making it my personal goal to keep my gmail sorted after our session today.

  2. I totally agree with the etiquette on Hangouts, in my experience with my group. I was adjusting my nose ring before it froze. This looked silly as when it froze. Huge note to self is to be cautious lol. I agree with you about using Toby Mini, as being a teacher tabs can go chaotic. This extension is definitely useful!


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