Inquiry Update for 2020

This year our school management team identified the need to focus on learners reading well below the expected reading level for their age. Because of this, I have changed my target group. Goals have been set for our learning as teachers so that we can help these learners get to where they need to be. These goals include making sure that learning is transparent, explicit and cooperatively owned, and teachers having a shared understanding around best practise and a shared language that is explicit and consistent. To get there we need to ensure that we know what the critical components are of an effective Reading programme and an Instructional Reading Lesson.

To be an effective teacher, I need to know the subject. I am hoping that I will be able to teach students to decode, comprehend and become critical users of texts, understand the development of reading skills and strategies, and know and understand text features and challenges.

Our first session asked us to identify the needs of our target students. We had to notice the different strategies that they used and things that they struggles with so that we could talk more as teachers to see which strategy we would use to attack the need.

I was able to get a few notes every time I met with my target group before the second lockdown came into play.

My goal for next term will be to find strategies that will help these learners get past these struggles.


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