Moonshot: Why?

For the MIT process to go ahead, we each came up with proposals. These proposals helped us to write down what our challenges were, and we could write about what how we might be able to attack it. In the proposal, we provided data that would back our claims, and also gave a little insight into why the challenge was seen as a problem.

This activity gave us the opportunity to really think about WHY we chose our challenge, and why we wanted to solely focus on that. We were each given someone to ask questions that began with why. These 'why' questions meant that we could have a deeper dive, and give more information about our challenge to someone else looking in. It helped us to look into why we chose this challenge, and was also reassurance as to why we chose to focus on it.

My buddy was Janine Bava from Awapuni School in Gisborne, and she asked me great 'Why' questions that made me sure i wanted to focus on this challenge.


  1. Great to see your MIT2021 year launched with this discussion of the WHY Sarah. Having to clarify our thinking with another teacher probing with repeated 'Why' questions does enable us to dive deeper.

  2. Kia Ora Sarah , This activity really helped in understanding the design thinking process and the importance of beginning to ask questions with WHY. It was fun as well to connect with another colleague from the MIT team. Looking forward to seeing you Sarah at our Hui on Monday 29th March at KPMG.
    Thank you.


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