Data Collection MIT Term 1

 To be able to find what our challenge was going to be, we needed to have data to back us up. This data would help us find our challenge statement.

My challenge statement is as follows: A large number of our Year 5 and 6 learners are demonstrating a lack of knowledge in key areas of Mathematics making it difficult to use new strategies to access their expected curriculum level.

Having my challenge statement, I was able to start my data-collection journey. This would help me to identify where gaps are, and what solutions/ideas I could come up with to solve this challenge.

Some of the data I have already collected include individual GLOSS tests, PAT Mathematics assessment data (and individual reports), teacher judgements in group teaching, and self-made teacher formative assessments (that are similar to iKAN tests).

(the data that is shown comes from a Year 6 PAT Mathematics assessment that was completed in March 2021)

Not only does this information help me find what groups are suitable for each individual learner, but I am also able to see what some learners are struggling with. I can start linking my prototype ideas with the gaps that I can identify through my data collection. This information will help me think of different ideas/solutions that I can create - and even makes me feel more confident in the prototype that I will be looking into with Rebecca Henderson.

I will continue to collect data for the rest of the term, and for as long as I need to to ensure I am going forward in the right direction.


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