Rarotonga: Pecha Kucha Presentation Night
Our MIT 2021 Cohort went over to Rarotonga to actually present our challenges with the teachers on the island. We presented using the "Pecha Kucha" style. Never done it before, so it was a bit nerve-wracking going in to it. A Pecha Kucha is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. The slide automatically switches over, it doesn't wait for you to finish your speech.
In order to prepare for our presentations, we needed to prepare a Slide Deck. We needed to make sure it introduced a challenge that our learners were facing, how we knew it was a challenge, what I have done in the classroom to help/fix it, how digital technology has supported us as teachers and our learners, and what our next steps are.
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